Wednesday 3 July 2013

About Me

There's no real easy way of saying it...

I'm single.

Like, really single. It sounds like an easy, fun situation to be in... but trust me, it isn't. Dating occupies probably about 62% of my thoughts at all times. May not be a lot but you have to realize how dedicated I also am to food.

The situation here is that I am a recent convert to the Church of Jesus Christ of Latter Day Saints, I am 20, and, according to everything the world is telling me, I need to hop on the dating horse.

I don't exactly find it easy meeting people. I have a few guys I've stuck by since high school (all of whom I would gladly enter into a relationship with) and they are the absolute definition of my comfort zone. They are all well aware that no man will possibly compare to them and it is utterly frustrating.

First of all, I can't date them.
You may wonder why. Mostly because I'm in the friend-zone; partially because I'm pretty much a brother to them.

Secondly, they date everyone else.
I'm not going to outright say I'm the jealous type, but, seriously, stay away from my boys. Unless you can pass the tests that I have configured through the years. (Nobody passes those tests)

On a completely unrelated note, I have this issue where I have a tendency of making everyone my friend. It makes for getting dates to be an incredible challenge.

So hold on, and try not to enjoy too much, the blunders, mishaps, successes, and triumphs of my whirlwind dating life.